Execution of the EMHS redistribution guidelines was lacking in public health facilities in Uganda. Just one third (33%) of the health facilities conformed with the EMHS redistribution guidelines. Several difficulties to following redistribution protocols were highlighted. Inhibiting factors were a deficiency of instructions, a lack of communication about the instructions to personnel and a lack of awareness about the allocation of funds for sharing. This study found that respondents who reported that the guidelines were never shared with staff in other departments were 88% less likely to comply. Failure to share guidelines further led to staff knowledge gaps, as over half (54.5%) of the staff did not know about the guidelines.
To improve compliance with redistribution:
1. Allocation of funds for transporting medicines should be considered by the district.
2. Health facility managers should raise awareness among staff working in stores concerning the redistribution process.
3. The DHO should make it a priority to routinely monitor health facilities particularly to avoid the issue of medicine stock-outs and overstocking.