Dynamic Intelligence
Actionable Business Intelligence to Accelerate Complex Decision-making.

Dynamism in Perspective
We're driven by the digitalization of intelligence and visualization of solutions. As a leading value science company, Syenza offers Dynamic Intelligence services using simulation modelling, data ecosystems, and digital analytics. We deliver actionable business intelligence to accelerate complex decision-making, insight discovery and process optimization.
Simulation modeling
Syenza uses simulation modelling
to safely experiment with “what
if scenarios” especially when
healthcare systems are
characterized by high uncertainty,
complexity, and dynamism.
We forecast and quantify the
impact on your business and
market access ahead of time.
Data Ecosystem Curation
Syenza produces evidence with
empirical data – the greatest
obstacle in HEOR and and
Global Market Access. We
curate an ecosystem of cost
data, patient registry data and
clinical outcomes data. We also
manage the big data value chain
including data acquisition, data
quality management, security
and storage.
Digital Analytics
Syenza deploys scientifically robust and state-of-the-art digital analytics to reveal the fusion of multiple perspectives on value. Data from patients, prescribers, and payers are core to the differentiated value attributes that emerge
from our digital analytics.
Service Outcomes
Clients use simulation models to gain insights of market opportunities and risks under different scenarios for market shaping purposes.
Clients access the multi-source data ecosystem for business critical projects. In short, Syenza takes the pain out of data so you can gain value.
Clients leverage rich descriptive reports that include market opportunities and empirical insights to inform scenarios for predictive modelling.
View Our Recent Case Study
Medtech EU Core Value Dossier Creation in Geneva
October 27, 2021
We took on the role of medical writers and oversaw the creation of a Core Value Dossier for a new healthcare technology in five major EU markets, with a designated medical writer handling the specific sections in the dossier. We synthesized and revie
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