HIQA has published an HTA on the repatriation of paediatric haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) services to Ireland. HSCT is provided by Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) for paediatric patients with haematological malignancies and certain benign conditions. However, paediatric patients with IEM, IEI and haemoglobinopathies must travel abroad to obtain HSCT.
From the perspective of the HSE, while subject to substantial uncertainty, the estimated five-year incremental budget impact is expected to result in cost reductions. Over a five-year time horizon, depending on whether costs arising from ancillary procedures are excluded or included, the reduction is estimated as €2.3 million (95% CI -€5.8m to +€1.1m) or €1.5 million (95% CI -€5.0m to +€1.9m), respectively.